With online shopping becoming ever more popular, Everything Personalised is filling the needs of trade-only clients where they can place orders for any products and associated graphics 24/7, 365 days a year at the following link: https://everythingpersonalised.cool-shop.eu/en
Not only does the site serve as an online store for resellers and distributors of promotional merchandise, but also as a resource for information on products, print options, packing and more. Users can also search for products by theme or catalogue.
Most of all the site includes for each product:
A unique printing calculator button that gives instant quotations for personalisation options.
A stock button giving real time information on current stock availability and future incoming stock.
A comprehensive downloads area that includes high resolution images and artwork templates.
“We strive to continuously create an easy and convenient environment for customers. We are happy to offer an online purchasing option, yet will of course continue to pride ourselves on providing excellent service on an individual basis whether it’s for quotations or general queries.”
To access the trade-only site go to: https://everythingpersonalised.cool-shop.eu/en
For more information contact Maria.